Monday, October 11, 2010

Last day of (Insert any positive adjective)

I have been attempting to do the impossible all day.

I have been trying to hold onto time.

Why? Because school starts tomorrow. STOP RIGHT THERE! I know what you're about to fall asleep on me because you think this post is going to be another on of those "im 2 kewl 4 skool n i hate hmwk. skool sux!" posts, no?   Well, you're wrong.

Contrary to popular opinion, I do not in fact loathe homework. It doesn't mean I like it (Heaven help anyone that does!). The point I'm trying to make is that homework isn't the reason why I hate high school so much.
It's the people, the routine, and the actual school system that bothers me. Predominantly the people.

So let's start with the routine and work our way up the scale of resentment.  Because I live miles away from school, I have to get up at 4:15am every bloody morning (excluding weekends) to stiffly put on the revolting uniform we have, make breakfast in the dark, catch a bus, catch a 1 train standing up with a school bag so heavy it would make it into the Guinness Book of World Records, wait 15 minutes for a friend, catch another train and walk up the darn hill to school - and after school, its that all over again.  

I swear to God I've aged 30 years doing this for 3 years.  I certainly FEEL 30 years older than the daddy's-little-girl's at our school who live 30 seconds away from school and complain about having to wake up at 6:00am for 2 days on rowing camp.  I'm not getting enough sleep (and I can't sleep earlier at night because I have to do my assignments) and lately, I've noticed during lessons, this sudden weird feeling comes over me where I can't hold my eyes open anymore!  My energy levels are low and just walking sometimes makes me tired...

But look, if I could change the school system and the people at school - I would happily wake up at 2am everyday and catch 10 trains to school...standing up!

The main reason why I dislike the school system so much is because it molds all the students into one entire body.  I don't mean unity. There IS NO unity in our school.  I mean, the school is like a machine that makes products. WE are the products.

I've noticed by Year 12, none of the girls have personalities. None of the girls have imaginations. None of the girls have opinions or voices of their own.  They are the school. They act like the school.  And they speak like the school.  None of them are individuals anymore.  There are no quirks and personal traits.
They are all the same.

Our school forbids us to EVER mention the school name outside of the school (a bit Communist, don't you think?) so I shall give my school the name "Mahsca". I jumbled the letters a bit.

Anyway, like I was saying, all the girls are slowly turned into Mahsca products.  Not a spark of creativity or difference between them.  It is reflected in the things they say, the speeches they make, the stories they write and the art they create.  Under all the education that is fed to us, I think turning the students into products is a mark of poor learning system.

Amongst that, there are other little bits and faults that create a negative impression on me in general. But I won't bother you with my complaining of least, not now. 

Drum roll please.

Last and certainly not least, the people of Mahsca. 

They are so unintelligent, I am unable to describe them intelligibly.  All I can say is that, when I am around these people, I always, ALWAYS feel like a grandmother surrounded by naughty pre-schoolers.  It is either that I am either light years ahead, or they are light years behind or I am psycho.

I pray it is not the last one.

These children, I shall call them children because it hurts my pride to call them 'peers' - these children, all come from the richest families in Australia.  Every single one of them (except perhaps three and a half). Their mothers own fashion lines, run VOGUE magazines, are presidents of Woman's Weekly, are family of the richest in Australia (I'm referring to a particular family here), only wear designer brands, NEVER shop at supermarkets (God forbid!), look like former models etc etc etc.  While their fathers own this and that tower in the Sydney City, own an island, have 10 cars, own 3 farms, are CEOs of Sanitarium and not surprisingly, all look like George Clooneys.   Their brothers all go to elite private 'eastern suburb' schools and have blonde bombshell girlfriends and look like Zac Efrons/Justin Biebers.

The family says a lot about a person.  The girls in my school are no different.  They are filthy rich and what bothers me most is, they don't even know it.  They act like they have the worst lives possible when their No. 587th boyfriend breaks up with them and have ZERO amount of respect for themselves and others.

98.95% of them are sluts and are onto their 588th boyfriend by now, do drugs, and bully others (that they deem uncool - ALWAYS because of their appearance or race) and they are never in trouble.  

Because Daddy Billionaire can afford to pay them out of any sort muck they're in.  

The other 1.05%?  These are the pretend angels. These are the ones that pretend to be intelligent by reciting Harry Potter quotes at lunchtime and act 'shy'.  One thing that amuses me almost as much as it annoys me is when people think that shy people are intelligent people.   Children - that is false.  Shy people are people who have no confidence - there is nothing more to it.

These pretend angels also seem to like to exaggerate their faith in Jesus or God and/or exaggerate how strict their parents are and what a "harsh" life they live.  

In fact, they are spoilt 3 year olds. I blame their parents for that - these ridiculous parents who kid themselves into thinking they are protecting their children by not letting them catch public transport.  Most of the girls are 16 years if not older, and have never caught a train or bus anyway in their lives before, they have not crossed a road without holding Mommy's hand, never gone out with friends without body guards trailing them and CERTAINLY never even considered getting a job.   99.9% of them plan to live with their parents until they're 40, when their parents will be deceased, and in which time, they will inherit their house and fortunes.

I have to be around these foolish, immature children and are often 'looked down upon' by them because of my race (you know, it's SUCH a crime to be Asian nowadays), my height, my lack of sluttiness, my lack of designer clothing, my lack of boyfriends and what not.
Most girls are deemed uncool because of their appearance - and that only.  It doesn't matter how nice, bubbly, funny and smart you are.  Their judgement are as shallow as they are.

I no longer care if I don't fit the blonde, blue-eyed description of beauty but its just that I am getting so tired of having to empathize with these silly kids every single day and actually having to work with them and seen as one of them.
Sometimes, I feel like I should have been born in a different era...

But yes - this massive post has finally come to an end (perhaps to your joy - hopefully, dismay) and I have at last explained why I dislike going to school. And today is the last day of holidays - and today is about to end!

I either have to mentally stabilize myself to prepare for the horror of tomorrow (and the next 10 weeks) or somehow manage a way to rewind time...

Wish me luck.

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