Monday, October 4, 2010

How to Ruin a Race - use "Teenagers"

Does this seem scenario seem vaguely familiar?
If not - you're probably a teenager..

Face it, teenagers today are more wild than ever before. In Australia, a little of 85% of adolescents aged 12-17 consume alcohol regularly - and if you are not aware, drinking alcohol at this age range is illegal.  And about 56% of teenagers know how to obtain or do drugs which is again, illegal.

And you know what? The fact that these activities are illegal doesn't bother them.  It encourages them. It's exciting, it's pushing the boundaries, it's naughty.  Teenagers of today are untamed and dangerous - and they are going to be the rulers of the world in less than 20 years.

Many readers at this point may be furious that I am attacking teenagers in this way, but please, open your eyes.  If we turn our backs to problems we are ashamed to admit, they'll never be fixed. These "problems" will grow into malicious, corrupt and evil people.

In fact, I might add - I, myself, am a teenager.  I interact with those of my kind everyday, and I see them very clearly. I go to (in the words of my principal) an "elite, eastern-suburb, private girls school" in Sydney - a place where the richest families of Australia send their cherished daughters, where (one would assume that) the naive become enlightened, the pretty become beautiful, the childish become fair and girls become elegant ladies. 

But unless your definition of 'elegant' is smoking a packet a day, dying your hair eccentric colours, putting your legs on tables, chewing gum while talking, swearing for the sake of swearing, doing drugs, throwing parties that always end with police-interference, having sexual relationships with one boy per night and wearing clothing designed for prostitutes - then yes, the school has achieved it's purpose.

Now, the point I'm making here is that no matter how rich you are, how expensive a school you can afford to send your child to, how well they eat and live - they will still become delinquents if they were brought up on low morals.

Teenagers today have low if not, NO morals at all. It is 'cool' to be stupid and use 'words' like "brrrt", "awwwkwwarrd", "F*cking" and "tots devo", it is completely fashionable to dress like a whore, absolutely ingenious to be disrespectful to others, almost godly to smoke, do drugs and get drunk and truly divine to be discriminatory and racist.

I could go on about all the things wrong with teenagers today but I'm sure most of us are, whether you'd like to admit it or not, aware of this type of behavior.  Simply blaming teenagers is fruitless, instead, one should trace the origins of such behavior and fix things from there.
I believe that the breeding of low morals is from lack of good parenting and education during childhood. Now 'education' I don't mean schooling, I am referring to the everyday education - talk at the dinner table, discussion during play etc.  We all know that our parents/guardians are the greatest influence on our life - not just the decisions we make but what type of person we develop into.

As a seriously concerned blogger, I urge parents to stop kidding yourselves that your teenager son or daughter will "grow out of it". They won't.  If they don't respect themselves now, they won't ever.  For yourself and the better of society, pull yourself and your children together.
If you're a teenager or youth reading this, I hope you have enough sense in you to realize that conforming to being a 'popular kid' is as glorious as trash. Don't do it.

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